Organization: Africa School of Project Management
Registration deadline: 12 Feb 2016
Starting date: 15 Feb 2016
Ending date: 19 Feb 2016
The financial management in NGOs involves a difficult balancing act; ensuring that project staffs have the latitude to accomplish something meaningful and at the same time every obligation of the funding source is met. Depending on the operating style of your organization, the complexity of the project and the nature of the funding source, effective grants Management depend on certain core principles. These principles are valuable in helping to build trust with your sponsor and making the management process in your organization more orderly. The purpose of this course is to build the confidence and skills of those responsible for managing institutional grants and to meet sponsors financial terms & conditions when implementing programs.
Effective grant management by project implementers can contribute to more funding for the organization.
Training Objectives
At the end of the course, participants will be able to:
a) Identify and understand the critical terms and conditions of grant aid for donor-funded projects;
b) Ensure compliance with donor terms and conditions;
c) Providing supporting documents, correct procurement of goods and services and meeting financial reporting requirements;
d) Managing multiple-funded programmes;
e) Provide tools for efficient Management of Donor- funded projects
f) Design and monitor donor budgets
g) Prepare a donor financial report to match with a project narrative report;
h) Describe the phases in the grant management cycle clarify key responsibilities and routines needed for successful grant management;
i) Identify the requirements for closing off a donor grant;
j) Manage the relationship with donors, head office and implementing partners with greater confidence;
k)Appreciate that finance and programme staff must work closely for Successful grant management.
The following topics will be covered:
Overview of Grants Management Cycle
ü Developing proposal
ü Budgeting Types of costs
ü Grant Award Contract,
ü Award Review,
ü Fundraising Tips, Implementation, Compliance
ü Eligible and ineligible costs,
ü Cost Share/ Matching costs,
ü Procurement Procedures,
ü Grant Tracking Tools, :
ü Costs eligibility, administration
ü Programme evaluation
ü Grant Reporting,
ü Financial Documentation and Reporting
ü Documentation, Internal Controls; Audit, Narrative Reporting, Partnerships & consortia management, Donor Compliance,
ü Personnel &Staff Issues (ethics) : Contracts, Time sheets, Travel & Per diem: Itinerary, assigning, Assets & Inventory Management, Co-Financing &
Multi- Donor Funding, Indirect Costs & Contingencies, Close Out Procedures & the Final Tranche.
Basic concepts in grant management
ü Key challenges in grant management
ü The grant management life cycle
ü Grant management plan
ü Responsibilities and routines in grant management
ü The flow of donor funds
ü Assessing the terms and conditions in grant agreements
ü Grant agreements, and accounting and procurement systems
ü Complying with donor reporting requirements
ü Managing key relationships for successful grant management
Other Key Modules
- Community Development and Projects funding
- Funding requirements
- Project finance
- Capital Budgeting and Investment Appraisal
- Donor Policies and procedures
- Complying with Donor procedures
- Disbursement methods
- Banking: Loan Management/Payment
- Expenditure Budgets
- Project Budgeting and Planning
- Project Financial Management
- Financial Risk Analysis Techniques
- Financial Performance Measurement
- Budgeting and Budgetary Control
- Internal Control and Control Mechanisms
- Integrated accounting & Financial Systems
- Accounting policies and systems
- Auditing of financial statements
- Management Control Framework
- Auditor’s duties and responsibilities
- Knowledge of the Law in relation to accounts and audit
- Internal controls
- Risk assessment
- Code of professional Conduct and Ethics
- Preparation of Auditing Procedures
- Planning and Publishing the audit schedule
- Periodic reports
- Project Management reports
- Financial Reporting (Periodic Requirements)
- The role of government in donor funded projects
How to register:
Kindly apply through or drop us mail at
The tuition fee is US D 1,490 Exclusive VAT.The cost caters for;
ü Six hours training every day
ü Training materials on soft/hard
ü Certificate
ü Meals at 10Am, Lunch, 4Pm
ü One tour to the National park/zoo
ü Airport transfer.