Organization: Africa School of Project Management
Registration deadline: 07 Aug 2015
Starting date: 10 Aug 2015
Ending date: 14 Aug 2015
The Africa School of Project Management (ASPM) was established in the year 2000 in Kenya as a membership based proffesional management organisation.The school was formed to address capacity building needs among development partners, donor organizations, Government agencies, International and private sector firms in Africa.
The school has been pivotal in capacity building in South Sudan, South Africa, Botswana, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Somalia, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda. The school has trained over 12,000 staffs who are involved in different projects and also conducted surveys, evaluations and research in different projects and businesses in Africa.
Course Overview
Over one billion people in the developing world remain without access to drinking water from improved sources, and more than double this number are still lacking access to basic sanitation. This course provides essential skills and knowledge required to plan and implement, with communities, water supply and sanitation projects and programmes worldwide, particularly in less developed countries.
The training will also lay emphasis on Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) an approach which helps rural communities to understand and realise the negative effects of poor sanitation and empowers them to collectively find solutions to their inadequate sanitation situation. CLTS is focused on igniting a change in sanitation behaviour rather than constructing toilets only. This is done by a process of social awakening that is stimulated by facilitators from within or outside the community. This approach concentrates on the entire community rather than on individual behaviours.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, the participants should:
- Be conversant with the community development; sustainable development; community mobilization and the mobilization cycle concepts
- Understand the notion of Community Participatory Approaches (CPA), their importance, applications and challenges
- Understand the application of the participatory tools in water and sanitation and hygiene, disaster preparedness and post disaster relief-reconstruction context
- Be familiar with the Gender Sensitive Development framework in WASH and disaster relief contexts
- Understand the Monitoring and Evaluation of WASH project.
- The links between water, sanitation and health.
- The nature of, and the threats posed by, environmental diseases.
- The importance and main elements of hygiene-promotion.
- The complexity in delivering safe water and sanitation in an emergency.
- The standard equipment used in the field for emergency WatSan response.
- The different response mechanism to WatSan in emergencies of major humanitarian agencies
Course outline
- Introduction to community-level development
- Introduction to project management
- Behaviour change Theories.
- Water, sanitation and hygiene in communal / public spaces
- Stakeholder analysis; Logical frames
- Nature & type of emergencies (natural and man-made disasters, rapid- and slow-onset, complex emergencies)
- Phases of emergency (acute, post-acute, transition to development/normality); contingencies responders, agencies, refugees & IDPs, donors; humanitarian principles and standards
- Public health in emergencies
- Water supply refugee camp supplies (sources & appropriate/specialist kit), non-camp situation requiring emergency distribution (tankers, bottles), rehabilitation of damaged supplies (mobilisation, communication, information requirements)
- Water treatment in above contexts e.g. camp scale, household water treatment
- Excreta disposal & management
- Environmental sanitation solid waste, vector control, hygiene education/promotion
- Disease; risk behaviours in relation to water-and excreta-related disease; hygiene evaluation and promotion
- On-site excreta disposal systems: Why they are not used, benefits of their use, pit latrines, VIP latrines, pour flush
- latrines, composting latrines, septic tanks, soakage systems, ecological sanitation
- Urban sanitation: Conventional and low-cost sewerage, faecal sludge management.
- Wastewater treatment basics, low energy systems, reuse.
- Health: classification of water- and excreta-related disease; relationship between water, sanitation and related
- Wastewater treatment basics, low energy systems, reuse.
- Water quality issues: acceptability for human consumption, agricultural use, ecology.
- Water quality standards Monitoring fundamentals and approaches.
- Sampling strategies. Sampling methods: surface and groundwater.
- Quality assurance. Data handling and interpretation
- Water quality sampling & analysis
Who should attend this course?
- WASH Programme Managers and Programme Officers
- WASH Project Managers and Project Officers
- Community development managers, officers and facilitators
- Local government managers, officers and traditional leaders
- Humanitarian relief works
- Community Officers with a remit over WASH programmes
- Environmental Health practitioners
Pedagogical approach
A combination of lectures, group work, case-studies, presentations and discussions in plenary although there will be a heavy bias towards participatory approaches.
How to register:
Register here through
The Tuition fee is US D 1,600 (Exclusive VAT).This caters for;
- Six hours training every day
- Training materials on soft / hard copy or both
- Certificate
- Meals-Tea at 10Am, Lunch, Tea at 4pm
- One Tour or visit to our National parks/Zoo
- Pick up from the Airport and back.
- Logistics within town